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Life Skills Development

Part of Revive Health Recovery’s drug and alcohol treatment program consists of developing life skills to achieve long term sobriety. Many times, a patient will go to drug and/or alcohol treatment with no contact to the rest of the world, creating a false sense of security.

Revive Health Recovery takes pride in making our patients mirror what the real world may look like outside of drug and alcohol treatment environment. This mirror includes getting a job, learning to pay bills, budgeting, and financial education, finding creative ways to enjoy life in sobriety, and the ability to have interactions with the world outside of treatment.

life skills

Life Skills

Our goal is to build a foundation for a fulfilled life. A patient going through treatment may not be able to develop the necessary coping skills to live a fulfilled life if they are not prepared to effectively interact with the rest of the world.

Benefits of Revive Health Recovery’s Life Skills Development:

+ Emotional Security

+ Financial Security

+ Positive Decision Making

+ Improved Interaction Skills

+ Improved Communication Skills

+ More Effective Coping Skills

+ Personal Care

+ Improved Self Awareness

These are all necessary skills to build upon. Revive Health Recovery’s drug and alcohol treatment program assists in the development of these life skills.

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